Sunday, July 21, 2013

Jay Z & Roc Nation Sports vs. Sports Agencies: The Take Over

photo: ENT

This is a very rare situation where one sports agency can enter the sports market and legitimately dominate. Jay Z is officially licensed to be a sports agent. His pedigree for sports is very limited. The
only information most of knew regarding Jay Z and sports was his first love for New York Yankee hats, his previous ownership stake in the NBA's Brooklyn Nets, and his agent role with New York Giants wide receiver, Victor Cruz.

According to Pro Football, Jay Z’s Roc Sports Nation in conjunction with CAA Sports is a real problem for current sports agencies. The message that Jay Z is sending is very credible. What agencies do not realize, but will soon realize, is.....
Jay Z’s stature in the world of hip-hop is all that is needed.

Being a hip-hop icon, Jay Z has set trends throughout his time in music. Everything that Jay touches is platinum status. The sports agency beginning will be no different. So many athletes have been listening and are currently listening to Jay Z’s music. Jay receives a crazy amount of love for his gift.
photo: The Urban

You will have many un-popular athletes willing to leave their agents just because it is Jay Z. The more popular or established athletes will not leave simply because there is no need. Then you have the likes of Kevin Durant. Durant is a global icon from a small market in Oklahoma. Durant’s biggest reason for leaving his agent was due to his aspiring rap career. With Durant wanting to be a future rap star, what
better way to start by training with Jay Z and company?

Any young kid or professional 20 something athlete who listens to hip-hop could have their name potentially placed in a rap record to be played all over the world. Having your name mentioned in a Jay Z record means every young person and a huge amount of adults know your name. They may not know who you are, but they know your name. The record will increase the the athlete's brand, teammates will joke with the athlete's newfound popularity, paparazzi like TMZ and others may now report who this athlete is because of Jay Z’s record. These are real life situations that can and will take place in the future. If that is not instant gratification, I don’t know what is. A Jay Z promotional ad in one of his songs goes far beyond any local car commercial most athletes receive.

Sports agencies better prepare themselves for an onslaught of signings by Roc Nation. This will be interesting to see.

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