Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I Plan to Do What I Love!

Gary Vaynerchuk
The blog post I chose from the Best of the Web series was titled Do what you love (no excuses!) by Gary Vaynerchuk.  The speaker shared his knowledge to the audience by talking about his history.  Vaynerchuk spoke passionately about doing what you love to do.  His energy level was high and his stage approach as a speaker was unorthodox.  The average male/female speaker may wear business attire and talk proper.  Vaynerchuk wore jeans and a t-shirt and truly spoke from the heart.   

The main goal Vaynerchuk was trying to get across in his TED talk with the audience was to build your brand.  He stated many people cry and complain about not having enough time to do what they want to do, but they have time to do everything else.  His method was to work your regular job from nine to five, go home and spend a few hours with the kids, then work on your passion from seven to two in the morning.  He emphasized to stop watching to television at night and 
start building your brand.  He said people lose money doing what they do not like for eight hours a day so why not lose money doing what you love?

He also expressed the critical importance of using social media.  He stated many people ask him what platforms are best to use and he said use all of them.  If you want to build your brand you must connect with your audience.  Connecting with your audience means you must be accessible.  His goal is to meet every person in the world because he loves people.  See the video below:

This message from Vaynerchuk helped me have a better understanding for the speaker.  It was also personal for me because he specifically used one word that I have used since my early adult life living in New York, which was HUSTLE.  He said if you really want something you must work for it.  Basically, you must hustle to get what you want.  I believe I work vey hard, but I am working just pay the bills instead of working for my passion and helping others along the way.   

When I graduate in October of 2013, I plan to start two of my passions immediately.  Speeches like these inspire me to believe it is possible to win in life, but I have to step out on faith and believe in myself. 


  1. Your blog is similar to many people thoughts including myself. Today, it is very hard to do what you love for a living. You can not really choose what you do when it comes to paying bills. Especially, when work schedule is very tight. I spend more than 12 hours working monday to friday and no time to do what I really wanted to do. Now, I seem to forget what I actually love to do anymore.

  2. I find that I struggle with patience for my "new life" the most. When I finally committed to going back to school to work my way back into the Entertainment Industry, I told myself I was 13 months away from being back in the biz. I thought I was going to be able to handle that, 13 months doesn't seem that long. Here it is 5 months into the program and I am already trying to find a new job in the industry while working 2 part time non-industry jobs, writing a screenplay with a writing group, and working on my masters. I just need to calm down and learn the skills our program offers to start that "new life." This is a great video, nice find. Clearly, we all have passion for what we want to do. That is why we signed up at Full Sail, but that "patience" part was helpful. Thanks.

  3. Ivan,
    I enjoyed your post and also enjoyed the video myself. I enjoyed the video so much that I subscribed to him on Facebook and enjoy reading what he says about branding. I also told many others about him because of the energy and hype that he gave to his audience. You are doing a good job in creating your brand in the NFL and enjoy reading your work since the last course that we took together. Good job!

