Saturday, August 31, 2013

Business Plan Alterations for DNS-NFL

Researching business plan experts was not too difficult of a task based on a person’s professional credentials. Like any other research you click on a world-wide-web search engine and start researching key words such as “business plan experts”. Creating a business plan to run your own company is a much scarier project for any first time business owner.

The business plan experts featured in the DNS-NFL August 10, 2013 blog titled “Business Plan Development: Writing Experts and Components” have taught me a great deal. Incorporating some of the tactics from these experts is crucial to future success. Some of the key things DNS-NFL has will incorporate since reading about Mr. Shyam Jha and Ms. Sherry Darden are very simple....

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Business Plan Development: Writing Experts and Components

photo: Cleveland State
Starting a business in the world of sports and entertainment can be a daunting task for many. Below are a few experts in the field of developing business plans and key components to the success of a business plan:

One professional who is an expert in the field of business plan development is Mr. Shyam Jha. Shyam Jha is a Principal Consultant at Cayenne Consulting. According to, Jha has over 30 years of experience to include a combination of writing business plans, financial education and more. While working at Nortel, Jha lead business development at Nortel's $5 billion Carrier Packet Solutions Business Unit. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Dallas Cowboys: Garret’s Time to Shine

photo: Bleacher

On November 24, 2012, I posted a blog comparing the start to the NFL head coaching careers of Jimmy Johnson and Jason Calvin Garrett titled Garrett Walk By Faith Not By Sight.

Garrett was a player drafter by Jimmy Johnson and Garrett would love nothing better than to match what his mentor did in his fourth season as head coach. 

44W - 36L= 80
21W -19L = 40
Win %
44 / 80 = 55%
21 / 40 = 53%

* RB, Emmitt Smith held out the 1st two games of Jimmy’s 5th year-contract dispute
**Garrett took over as head coach the 2nd half of 1st season